威斯特摩因软件测试自动化研究在ISSRE 2016获奖

Per Erik Strandberg是研究论文的第一作者,该论文在加拿大渥太华的ISSRE 2016会议上荣获最佳论文奖。

威斯特摩因软件测试自动化研究在ISSRE 2016获奖

第27届软件可靠性工程国际研讨会(ISSRE)于2016年10月23日至27日在加拿大渥太华举行。威斯特摩关于“Automated System Level Regression Test Prioritization using multiple factors(使用多因子的自动化系统级回归测试优先化)”的研究论文荣获最佳论文奖。

“We are proud to receive this recognition of our dedicated work to continuously ensure high quality with our development work. Personally I am very proud of the Software team at Westermo who have worked for years to get us to the point where we are today, where I also see the team's joint dedication to take this quality assurance work even further. I am also grateful for the support of our fellow researchers from the US and from M?lardalens H?gskola in V?ster?s, Sweden”, says Peter Johansson who is Manager for Software Solutions and Software Test at Westermo.

The main author of the research paper, Per Erik Strandberg was on site in Ottawa to present the research work. The paper has been developed together with Thomas J. Ostrand (USA) and Elaine J. Weyuker (USA) and Daniel Sundmark and Wasif Afzal from M?lardalens University (SWE). "The knowledge acquired and the new contacts established during the very intensive conference week, has triggered our curiosity beyond the ideas we already had.", says Per Erik Strandberg, Test Lead at Westermo.

Reliability is crucial in any industrial and infrastructure process control system. It is important that the data communications for these systems will work at all times. The continuous work with software test at the Westermo Research and Development centre contributes to increased system reliability.

The Automated System Level Regression Test capabilities provide the ability to pinpoint problems long before a product is released. “This way of testing automatically provides early feedback with diversified results tailored for each individual developer without the need to manually choose what to test and when.”, says Peter Johansson.

By complementing automated testing with other test measures, for example risk based testing and exploratory based testing, Westermo work to ensure the highest quality with the combination of automation and human intelligence.

ISSRE is an academic conference with strong industry participation running since 1990 and covering reliability engineering for software. ISSRE interests are in reliability, availability, safety, security and quality of software. ISSRE is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society.

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Per Erik Strandberg (3rd from left) together with his co-writers Thomas J. Ostrand and Elaine J. Weyuker (4th and 5th from left) at the award ceremony. On the far right is Yvan Labiche, Chairman of ISSRE 2016, and the two gentlemen on the left are award winners for another research paper for which the best research paper award was shared.